The importance of having good eye health to ensure safe driving is undeniable. Vision represents up to 80% of our sensory experiences , making it one of the most important senses when driving!

When driving during the day, natural light provides a clear view of the road, allowing drivers to easily identify obstacles, traffic signs, and other vehicles. However, Driving at night can be riskier due to the lack of natural light and different lighting conditions. Therefore, glare and glare are issues that need to be managed.

“Why can’t I see as well when I drive at night? Should I wear special glasses for night driving?” While the answers may vary depending on the individual needs of the patient, patterns can be identified.

One of the most common situations is the difficulty drivers have in seeing the lights of oncoming traffic at night. If you wear glasses, opt for lenses with anti-reflective coating, which reduces the reflection emitted by headlights, significantly improving your night vision.

However, if you experience any difficulty while driving, you should consult your optometrist.

Taking care of your eye health is essential to protect yourself and others!

Andreia Guedes