Alternative Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute, the consumer may resort to an Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution entity:

CNIACC - National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Disputes
Faculty of Law of the New University of Lisbon - Campolide Campus
1099-032 Lisbon

CIMAAL - Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center for Consumer Disputes in the Algarve
Corporate Nest, Edif. ANGEL
Penha road
8005-131 Faro

Coimbra District Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center
Av. Fernão Magalhães, n.º 240, 1st
3000-172 Coimbra

Lisbon Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center
Rua dos Douradores, 116, 2nd
1100-207 Lisbon

Madeira Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center
Rua da Figueira Preta, n.º 10, 3rd floor
9050-014 Funchal

Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Center
Rua Damião de Góis, 31 – Store 6
4050-225 Porto

Vale do Ave Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center
Rua Capitão Alfredo Guimarães, n.º 1
4800-019 Guimarães

Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (Consumer Arbitration Court)
Braga: Rua D Afonso Henriques, nº 1
4700 - 030 Braga
Viana do Castelo: Av Rocha Paris, nº 103
4900 - 394 Viana do Castelo

More information at Consumer Portal - www.consumidor.pt


The European Commission created the RLL platform for the alternative resolution of disputes between consumers and traders, relating to online sales or service contracts. "Online sales or services contract": a sales or service contract in which the trader, or his intermediary, offers, on a website or by other electronic means, goods or services that the consumer orders on the same website or through other electronic means (Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 21 May 2013).
