It is the science that studies hearing and balance as well as all associated pathologies, from diagnosis to rehabilitation.

Deafness/hypoacusis/hearing loss is one of the sensory alterations that most affect the world's population. According to WHO (World Health Organization) more than 250 million people have deafness with a tendency to increase with age. Other disabling symptoms such as Vertigo, Dizziness, Imbalances, which are characterized by an erroneous sensation of movement, both of the patient and of the environment, derive mainly from problems related to the ears.

If you have one of these symptoms, don't wait any longer, book your hearing evaluation here.

Audiology exam:

Currently, the Jorge Oculista Group has a partnership with WIDEX and all consultations and hearing screenings are carried out by a duly licensed WIDEX Audiologist. In order to identify any hearing alteration, we use some hearing tests whose purpose is the functional assessment of hearing as a way of identifying any type or degree of hearing loss.

For more information or to book an Audiology appointment, contact us: